Start Your Own
Gepina Lymphatic Rejuvenation Journey
And Create Your Own Healing Story
Feel good about investing in yourself just as much into yourself just as much as you do into others individuals, and caring for the material things that care for us like our home. Allowing our self care to become the centerfold of our lives will feed our mind body and spirit, fill that bucket of self love so we may serve those we love with with complete JOY and fullness!
Stimulate the rivers of your lymphatic systems in the comfort of your own home, with these simple and sustainable habits integrated into and around you daily lifestyle of activities and rest.
Enjoy the benefits of our Cohesive Rejuvenation Technique in the comfort of your own home as an extension of your self-care and supplement your treatments. The goal of the at home care is to empower you to be able to treat your own body, release toxins and tension to inspire inner peace and healing by encouraging overall relaxation and reduces stress.

Best Mineral Salts
Bokek Dead sea salt, Himalayan, and Epsom salts. A true array of remineralization. Link
Young Living Oils
Lemongrass is a signature all over muscle repair oils moves lymph and cleanses the skin tissue, blended with vetiver and clary sage with a base of fractionated coconut oil is a true nervous system “knock out” for total relaxation and restoration. Try all the wonderful oils we have to offer. Link
Dry Skin Brushes
Try a variety of brushes! They will all wake up your senses differently! Increase circulation and allow all the essential oils and minerals to absorb easily and more deeper. Link
Fascia Yoga For Lymphatic Drainage
Fascia Yoga For Lymphatic Drainage with Gepina. This technique primarily drains the Lymphatic system through breath movement and meditation. Link
Savvi Yoga Clothes
Savvi, will empower you to style your world—the way you look, the way you work, the life you create for you and your family, and the people you create with. Link

Movement and Exercise the best way to move the waters of the body
• Fascia Yoga (Variety of self-massage tools and yoga postures integrated with deep breath work)
• Stretching
• Aerobic exercise
Rejuvenation Support through dry skin brushing with minerals.
• Understand and implement healthy habits consistently.
Integrate Dry-skin brushing into your daily weekly lifestyle before or after bathing, before bed, or in the morning upon waking. Use a variety of styles of brushes soft to firm throughout the body. Follow the lymphatic pathways of the body in circular motions up towards the heart.
• Mineral baths weekly with a variety of salts, Himalayan, Bokek Dead sea salts, and Epsom salts to get a full range of minerals.
• Brushing prior to bathing allows the minerals to absorb easier and more effectively.
Daily Essential Oils
• Consistent green Juicing additionally builds electrolytes and mandatory minerals for total-body nourishment.

Conveniently Online for Your Home Care Routine
Join us on FaceBook for Facia Yoga with Gepina!

Compassion and Love to Nourish your Soul
No, we aren’t joking. We have traveled the world learning the best massage techniques. From our training, we have designed a holistic and healing massage experience our clients rave about. Our intuitively designed massage is taught to all our massage therapists for a superior experience every time.
Cohesive Therapy Signature Services
Cohesive Lymphatic Drainage Technique
Infrared Massage Therapies
Home Care Products and Practices
Lifestyle Coaching Services
A Love Note from Gepina
Be at peace with your life, the way it is right now. In all the mess, in all the disaster. Allow and accept the healing to happen, set your goals and release the process. And you will be amazed what God has created for you, the most amazing life you can’t even imagine. But we do have to get out of the way and let God get in the way.
Trust Your Recovery to the Experts in Body Care

Yes, we’re open!*
Monday Through Friday 8:30am-6pm
Saturday 8-2pm
Closed all major holidays
*By appointment only
2400 Broadway St
Vancouver, WA 98663
(located upstairs)
Main 📞: (360) 904-4999
Fax 📠: (360) 326-1797

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